Next Ready Financials:

Manage Inventory, Sales, Products, Customers, and Data Anytime, Anywhere

27 September 2022 (Selasa)| 10:30 (WIB)

Overview of the Event

Teknologi transformasi telah secara drastis mengubah cara bisnis dalam berinteraksi, berinovasi, dan memperoleh pengetahuan yang berharga, memberi perusahaan kemampuan untuk mempertahankan dan memanfaatkan teknologi terkini yang dapat mengarahkan pada sebuah inovasi. Cloud adalah salah satu teknologi terpenting yang dapat mendorong proses transformasi digital.

Seiring berkembangnya inovasi yang semakin cepat, kebutuhan pelanggan yang terus berubah, dan industri yang saling bersinggungan, banyak bisnis yang menyadari bahwa perangkat lunak mereka tidak lagi mampu menunjang kebutuhan bisnis yang berubah dengan cepat. Perusahaan saat ini menginginkan manajemen keuangan yang cukup fleksibel untuk mengakomodasi perubahan dinamis dalam kebutuhan bisnis. Saat ini, cloud computing mampu memudahkan perusahaan beradaptasi dengan perubahan model bisnis, baik secara strategis maupun operasional. Memberikan visibilitas pada perusahaan, meyediakan data penting dalam satu platform dan mendukung koordinasi seluruh tenaga kerja remote. Cloud ERP & Cloud Point of Sale (PoS) membantu perusahaan mengambil keputusan dengan cepat dalam situasi bisnis yang tidak dapat diprediksi seperti saat ini.

ITG bersama NetSuite ERP solution dan sistem iSeller PoS untuk memberikan visibilitas data pada perusahaan dan pengawasan yang lebih ketat terhadap bisnis Anda.

Optimalkan bisnis Anda menggunakan cloud solution!

Why Attend?

Ketahui bagaimana NetSuite dan iSeller dapat membantu bisnis Anda berkembang melalui sistem Cloud ERP & Cloud Point of Sale yang dirancang berdasarkan kebutuhan Anda. Mulai bisnis Anda menggunakan cara yang lebih pintar! Acara ini akan mengulas:
  • Mengapa Perusahaan Layanan yang Sedang Berkembang Pesat Mengadopsi Cloud ERP Netsuite untuk Mempercepat Pertumbuhan
  • iSeller PoS Journey
  • Kisah Sukses Klien ITG x iSeller
  • Demo bagaimana NetSuite bisa terintegrasi dengan iSeller
Mulai bisnis Anda menggunakan cara yang lebih pintar!

Who Should Attend?

Perusahaan yang sedang berkembang dan membutuhkan sistem operasional bisnis yang lebih efektif dan efisien yang sangat penting untuk mengembangkan perusahaan dan memberikan kesempatan kepada karyawan untuk menanggapi kebutuhan klien dan perusahaan secara langsung.



Welcome Remarks

Soniel R. Tulak

Head of Sales, IT Group Indonesia


iSeller PoS Journey

Bryan Yuhindra

Head of Commercial Partnership, iSeller


NetSuite Presentation

Conan Budiman

Senior Sales Manager, Oracle NetSuite


NS x iSeller Integration Demo

Andry Wang

Head of Services – Business
Technology, IT Group Indonesia


Customer Spotlight




Q&A (Fireside Chat)

All Speakers

12:00- onwards

Lunch & Networking


Selina Yuan

President, Alibaba Cloud Intelligence International Business

Selina Yuan leads the international division of Alibaba Cloud Intelligence Group, heading a global team across APAC, Europe, the Americas, and the Middle East, enabling cloud technology for millions of customers around the world. Selina brings more than 20 years of experience in leading and growing technology businesses globally.

Selina Yuan

President, Alibaba Cloud Intelligence International Business

Selina Yuan leads the international division of Alibaba Cloud Intelligence Group, heading a global team across APAC, Europe, the Americas, and the Middle East, enabling cloud technology for millions of customers around the world. Selina brings more than 20 years of experience in leading and growing technology businesses globally.

Selina Yuan

President, Alibaba Cloud Intelligence International Business

Selina Yuan leads the international division of Alibaba Cloud Intelligence Group, heading a global team across APAC, Europe, the Americas, and the Middle East, enabling cloud technology for millions of customers around the world. Selina brings more than 20 years of experience in leading and growing technology businesses globally.

Selina Yuan leads the international division of Alibaba Cloud Intelligence Group, heading a global team across APAC, Europe, the Americas, and the Middle East, enabling cloud technology for millions of customers around the world. Selina brings more than 20 years of experience in leading and growing technology businesses globally.

Selina Yuan leads the international division of Alibaba Cloud Intelligence Group, heading a global team across APAC, Europe, the Americas, and the Middle East, enabling cloud technology for millions of customers around the world. Selina brings more than 20 years of experience in leading and growing technology businesses globally.

Selina Yuan leads the international division of Alibaba Cloud Intelligence Group, heading a global team across APAC, Europe, the Americas, and the Middle East, enabling cloud technology for millions of customers around the world. Selina brings more than 20 years of experience in leading and growing technology businesses globally.

Selina Yuan

President, Alibaba Cloud Intelligence International Business

Selina Yuan leads the international division of Alibaba Cloud Intelligence Group, heading a global team across APAC, Europe, the Americas, and the Middle East, enabling cloud technology for millions of customers around the world. Selina brings more than 20 years of experience in leading and growing technology businesses globally.

Selina Yuan

President, Alibaba Cloud Intelligence International Business

Selina Yuan leads the international division of Alibaba Cloud Intelligence Group, heading a global team across APAC, Europe, the Americas, and the Middle East, enabling cloud technology for millions of customers around the world. Selina brings more than 20 years of experience in leading and growing technology businesses globally.

Selina Yuan

President, Alibaba Cloud Intelligence International Business

Selina Yuan leads the international division of Alibaba Cloud Intelligence Group, heading a global team across APAC, Europe, the Americas, and the Middle East, enabling cloud technology for millions of customers around the world. Selina brings more than 20 years of experience in leading and growing technology businesses globally.

Selina Yuan leads the international division of Alibaba Cloud Intelligence Group, heading a global team across APAC, Europe, the Americas, and the Middle East, enabling cloud technology for millions of customers around the world. Selina brings more than 20 years of experience in leading and growing technology businesses globally.

Selina Yuan leads the international division of Alibaba Cloud Intelligence Group, heading a global team across APAC, Europe, the Americas, and the Middle East, enabling cloud technology for millions of customers around the world. Selina brings more than 20 years of experience in leading and growing technology businesses globally.

Selina Yuan leads the international division of Alibaba Cloud Intelligence Group, heading a global team across APAC, Europe, the Americas, and the Middle East, enabling cloud technology for millions of customers around the world. Selina brings more than 20 years of experience in leading and growing technology businesses globally.

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Cloud ERP untuk Transformasi Bisnis yang Lebih Cerdas

Adopsi cloud cukup menjadi sorotan karena dampak pandemi yang menyebabkan terganggunya sistem operasi bisnis. Saat kita memasuki era digital baru, tidak diragukan lagi bahwa adopsi dan pertumbuhan cloud akan terus membuka jalan bagi masa depan dunia kerja. Untuk membangun fondasi bisnis yang kuat, perusahaan harus belajar menerima perubahan pada ekosistem kerja jarak jauh dan hibrida, sekaligus memanfaatkan setiap model bisnis berbasis data yang terus berkembang.

Kenali #1 Cloud ERP dan bagaimana bisnis dapat memacu pertumbuhan bisnis yang lebih cepat dan signifikan sembari meningkatkan ketahanan operasional secara keseluruhan.