Interconnected IT Solutions Provider

Touchless Expense Report and Account Payables in the Changing Workplace

Resolving the Technology Gap for Companies with Employee’s Expense Reporting for the New Normal

Nowadays, requests for payments (RFP) and expense reports are being sent to offices that are closed, and the approval process is still dependent on passing documents from one office to another – or in the current scenario, from one home to another for signatures. Payment to vendors and suppliers usually occur by  mailing checks or through bank deposits, which can be difficult or even impossible for some. In a time when budgets are tights, it is vital that AP departments expedite paying their dues.

To ensure uninterrupted operations for the new normal business operations, we are excited to introduce a smart technology which can streamline corporate workflow, secure your businesses, and minimize operational irregularities. ITG together with ComBtas is proud to launch the expense management solution that can help your business process, pay, and audit employee-initiated expenses in today’s low-touch operations.

CExpense Management Solutions is a tool that allows you to manage activities associated with the cash flow. It includes a comprehensive review of all cash flows that can help take control of expenses, undertake immediate renegotiations with suppliers, and apply for government loans and aid where these are available and needed.

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