International Girls in ICT Day and their Importance in the Future of Tech

A Celebration of Girls and Young Women to Pursue a Career in Tech April 25, 2024 | Blog This 2024 International Girls in ICT Day will be celebrated on 25 April. The main celebration will be in the Philippines and hosted by the Department of Information and Communication Technology (DICT). This year's [...]

International Girls in ICT Day and their Importance in the Future of Tech2024-05-10T13:38:06+08:00

Let’s Celebrate World Creativity and Innovation Day: Here’s Why

World Innovation Day: Take it from the Tech Leaders and Partners April 19, 2024 | Blog Creativity breeds innovation, as innovation powers up technology and entrepreneurship, which gives humanity innovative products and unique services to better our lives, working closely together and helping each other simultaneously. With one brilliant idea to solve [...]

Let’s Celebrate World Creativity and Innovation Day: Here’s Why2024-04-19T15:17:36+08:00

Debunking Myths and Providing Facts: Why Technology is Important in Your Business

Here are the 4 Major Tech Myths and the Truths Behind It April 12, 2024 | Blog There’s always a misconception about technology. Most people see it as part of change and the only way to the future. As technology keeps moving forward, it directly impacts all aspects of life, especially when [...]

Debunking Myths and Providing Facts: Why Technology is Important in Your Business2024-04-12T15:37:33+08:00

Steps and Considerations in Choosing the Right Accounting Software

Here are 5 Ways How to Choose the Right Accounting Software For Your Business  April 11, 2024 | Blog Compliance is essential for a company to continue its business. One of the most tedious and mandatory requirements for any organization to officially do actual business is tax compliance. That's why your business' [...]

Steps and Considerations in Choosing the Right Accounting Software2024-04-11T16:37:16+08:00

Jop Cornelio Jr., ITG’s Managing Director, is The Man for The Job

Jop Cornelio Jr., ITG's Managing Director, Tells What Leadership with a Heart Means to Him April 11, 2024 | Article With his tall stature, commanding presence, and unwavering resolve, Jose “Jop” Adolfo Cornelio, Jr. means business. Yet, he is more than just an authoritative figure. Cornelio is a man of strong faith [...]

Jop Cornelio Jr., ITG’s Managing Director, is The Man for The Job2024-04-11T14:08:39+08:00

ITG Story: Meet Our Unsung Heroes and Know Their Inspiring Stories

ITG Story: The Silent Heroes Who Are Part of ITG’s Solid Success April 5, 2024 | Blog A company is only as good as how it treats its people. To us, our people serve as the heart and soul of our company. There's no better way to honor their sacrifices to go [...]

ITG Story: Meet Our Unsung Heroes and Know Their Inspiring Stories2024-04-05T13:35:57+08:00

Backup Plan: Why Doing Backup is Important in Your Business

Here are 4 Reasons Why You Need to do a Backup Plan April 3, 2024 | Blog A business with a good and positive reputation often earns loyal customers and can land new clients and business partners. But when your company has a bad reputation and negative image, customers tend to avoid [...]

Backup Plan: Why Doing Backup is Important in Your Business2024-04-03T13:40:47+08:00